An Australian woman who found a pup could not determine what was in front of her — a dog or a fox, and turned to a veterinarian for help. With the help of a genetic analysis the shocking truth was found out.
In August 2019, Jane Gini, a resident of Wandiligong city, Australia, found a cute red puppy in the backyard. It was whining loudly and clearly asking for help. There were small wounds on the back of the animal, similar to the claw marks of a large bird — probably a predator picked up the puppy in the air, but then dropped it to the ground. Jane took pity on the foundling and took it home, where she fed it, and then showed to the veterinarian from Alpine Animal Hospital.
By the appearance and «voice» of the little patient, the specialist determined that he was facing a wild animal, not a pet. To «identify» the foundling, he sent its DNA samples for genetic analysis to the University of New South Wales.
The result had to be waited for for several months, but it was worth of it, as it managed to amaze everyone: Vandy (the pup was given that name) appeared to be a thoroughbred Alpine dingo!